October 25, 2011


  1. hey PARI...
    i really like your blog. jut one thing that its easy to modify pictures .. change parts or colours. but Damn hard to to make a real one. I hav pulsar 220 f black .. can u design a pattern on side for my bike that consistz some brands ( castrol, repsol, akropovak) and lines that I can get it done from a vinyl sticker shop.


    keep up vroooooom !

    1. @Anonymous
      Thanks for your comment. As you have requested me to design a vinyl sticker on your bike, i will be glad to make it. Stay updated on this blog for your request !
      I will be posting the pictures soon.

    2. Here is your request

  2. hey PARI...
    i really like your blog. jut one thing that its easy to modify pictures .. change parts or colours. but Damn hard to to make a real one. I hav pulsar 220 f black .. can u design a pattern on side for my bike that consistz some brands ( castrol, repsol, akropovak) and lines that I can get it done from a vinyl sticker shop.


    keep up vroooooom !

    Nice stickering ! can you please do something similar for RED pulsar 220 dts-i. thanks

  3. i want to make my pulsar 150 with military design can i make it?


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